BI2-Fig 2August 2009

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“Le Roi est mort. Vive le Roi!” The message of this paper is at one with this ancient proclamation: the rule of the king continues through the end of one era and the beginning of the next. The data warehouse has had a long and illustrious reign, but today a combination of business and technological change has laid the old king low. But, fear not! The young prince stands strong at his father’s bedside, ready to lead the kingdom to new victories.

This paper proposes a new architectural model for decision-making in all its guises throughout the enterprise. The new model, Business Integrated Insight (BI²), emerges directly from re-evaluating decision-making in a 21st-century business, and reviewing recent technological advances in databases, messaging, and social computing. The message is one of technology evolution, rather than revolution–current data warehouse technologies, particularly dedicated implementations, will play a central role in the new order.

We begin with a review of the prevailing business and IT paradigms from which the original data warehouse architecture emerged and evolved in the 1980s and 1990s and the problems it now faces. Section two makes the case for a new approach, and proposes five new postulates for the future. In section three, we describe the BI2 architecture, leading to a number of use cases and key considerations for implementation in section four. The final section summarizes the paper’s main points.